
The Division for Learning Disabilities (DLD) is a international professional organization consisting of teachers, psychologists, clinicians, administrators, higher education professionals, parents, and others. The major purposes of DLD are:
- To promote the education and general welfare of persons with learning disabilities.
- To provide a forum for discussion of issues facing the field of learning disabilities.
- To encourage interaction among the many disciplinary groups whose research and service efforts affect persons with learning disabilities.
- To foster research regarding the varied disabilities subsumed in the term “learning disabilities” and promote dissemination of research findings.
- To advocate exemplary professional training practices to insure the highest quality of services in the field of learning disabilities.
- To promote exemplary diagnostic and teaching practices in a context of tolerance for new and divergent ideas.
The DLD Constitution and Bylaws are designed to support these purposes.
In compliance with US Internal Revenue Service requirements regarding its 501(c)3 non-profit status, DLD maintains a copy of its current 990 returns for public inspection.