About Us

The Division for Learning Disabilities (DLD) is one of 18 special interest groups of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, including both students with disabilities and the gifted.
Since the early 1983, DLD has worked on behalf of students with learning disabilities and the professionals who serve them to meet the needs of more millions of school-aged children and youth currently identified as having learning disabilities in the United States. Members of DLD have also sought to advance services for individuals with learning disabilities in many other countries around the world, as well. DLD was among the first organizations to endorse evidence-based practice and continues to support the use of methods, materials, techniques, procedures, and approaches that have substantial research foundations.
Supported primarily by volunteers, DLD strives to serve its members through a variety of activities that include print publications, an annual conference, grants and awards, and this Web site Please explore this section to learn more about the many facets of our organization.
After you get to know us, we hope you will consider becoming a member and enjoying the many benefits of DLD membership. (Alternatively, for those who do not belong to the Council for Exceptional Children, we offer access to selected content on on a subscription basis.)
The Division for Learning Disabilities is a tax-exempt non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization. DLD publishes its constitution and by-laws and 990 Returns (see below); for additional information, please contact our Executive Director, Dr. Miriam Ortiz.
DLD’s Vision
Accessible Learning. Effective Teaching. Equitable Outcomes.
DLD’s Mission
To promote effective practices that improve the learning and wellbeing of individuals with learning disabilities.
The Division for Learning Disabilities values our history, which is rooted in activism and advocacy for the educational rights of individuals with learning disabilities (LD). We recognize our expanding role in this work and our need to grow to address the needs of learners within the context of the education system in the United States. We facilitate access to knowledge and resources related to effective practices to support individuals who experience challenges with academic performance, inclusive of those who are formally identified with LD and those with other learning differences.