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83 items

Research IN Practice: DLD Teaching Video Series
Calling all teacher members of the Division of Learning Disabilities (DLD). We are hosting a teaching video series this fall and are looking for you to help us create content. DLD has created Practice Alerts to help keep our members up to date on the most cutting-edge research in our field. We are looking for […]

2020 DLD Bos Grant Awards
DLD’s Candace S. Bos Innovative Projects grants support doctoral students, teachers, and other pupil services personnel who provide services to students with learning disabilities as they develop creative projects to enhance instruction, curriculum, action research, and service delivery. DLD is pleased to announce that we have four Bos Grant recipients in Fall of 2020! Read […]

We Stand Together Against Racism, Hatred and Injustice
DLD is an international professional organization consisting of teachers, psychologists, clinicians, administrators, higher education professionals, parents, and others. Together, we stand against racism, hatred, and injustice in all environments. When tragedy strikes one of us, it strikes all of us. When one of our community is hurting, we all feel the hurt. Yet we also […]
Data-Based Individualization
Jessica Toste, The University of Texas at Austin; Marissa Filderman, The University of Texas at Austin; Nathan Clemens, The University of Texas at Austin
Issue 30
Data-based individualization (DBI) is a systematic approach to using student data to determine when and how to modify interventions for students with persistent academic difficulties (Danielson & Rosenquist, 2014; Fuchs, Fuchs, & Vaughn, 2014). This approach was developed by special education researchers, working closely with special education teachers, and led to a process of intensive […]
Support Special Education Amidst School Closures!
Dear Colleagues: Please contact your Member of Congress in the House of Representatives before 5 PM TODAY. Forward the notice and the short message below. Thank you for your advocacy! Please contact the office of Rep. Angie Craig and sign on to the Dear Colleague letter below urging increased funding for IDEA in the next […]

COVID-19: Resources for Special Educators
Growing concerns over the spread of COVID-19 have initiated several local and state governments across the country to temporarily close schools, businesses and ban large gatherings in their cities. The Division for Learning Disabilities is working on building a list of resources for teachers and teacher educators that will help answer some questions as well […]
2019 DLD Bos Grant Awards
DLD’s Candace S. Bos Innovative Projects grants support doctoral students, teachers, and other pupil services personnel who provide services to students with learning disabilities as they develop creative projects to enhance instruction, curriculum, action research, and service delivery. DLD is pleased to announce that we have four Bos Grant recipients in Fall of 2019! Read […]
2020 DLD Award Recipients
Congratulations to our 2020 DLD Award Winners! John Wills Lloyd Outstanding Doctoral Research Award: This year we have two winners! Dr. Lisa Didion, University of Iowa Dr. Samantha A. Gesel, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Marva Collins Diversity Award: Gloria Alonso, Fabuion School, Portland Oregon Samuel A. Kirk Publication Award – LDRP Practice Article: […]

DLD@CEC 2020 in Portland Oregon
DLD had a wonderful time in Portland! Thank you to everyone who made this trip a success! We have shared a few highlights below. DLD Winter Executive Board Meeting: During our board meeting we spent the majority of our time working on DLD’s strategic plan! We were able to discuss our vision and action steps […]
Peer Assisted Learning Strategies
Elizabeth Hughes, The Pennsylvania State University & Emily Solari, University of Virginia
Issue 29
Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) refers to a reciprocal peer tutoring routine intended to serve as supplemental instruction to support strong core curriculum. Guided by classroom teachers, PALS systematically incorporates cooperative learning, highly structured peer interactions, reinforcement of academic behaviors, and multiple opportunities to practice.
ReadingPrinciples for SLD Eligibility: Practice & Policy Considerations for States and School Districts
In collaboration with six partners, DLD is proud to announce the release of three new resources to improve the evaluation process for students with SLD. The resources in this series are titled “Principles for SLD Eligibility: Practice & Policy Considerations for States and School Districts.” The topics include: While each state has its own process […]
DLD@Night 2019 New Orleans
Thank you to all who made DLD@Night a success! This year DLD partnered with the Division for Teacher Education to provide a low-cost evening conference for practitioners on November 7th. Our amazing presenters who understand the idea of research-to-practice presented strands on early literacy, math instruction, writing instruction, and preparing to teach students with Dyslexia. […]