Videos that provide special opportunities to hear researchers discuss their work and its application to teaching students with learning disabilities.
4 items
Naomi Zigmond’s Thoughts on the Strengths of LD
What are the strengths on which Learning Disabilities, as a discipliine, can depend now? What do advocates for LD know and can trust?
UncategorizedNaomi Zigmond’s Reflections on Issues
Professor Zigmond discusses her concerns about standards, inclusion, skills development, and more. Have a listen…probably more than once.
Content AreasBarbara Bateman’s Beginning
Who knew that Barbara Bateman started working with students who were blind? What is more, she started when she had very little background. How little? Watch this video to learn how Professor Bateman got her start.
Content AreasDonald Deshler’s Beginning
What was Don Deshler doing in Alaska and what does his time there have to do with him becoming committed to finding ways to help adolescents with Learning Disabilities? Find out by watching this segment of TeachingLD’s “voices from the field.”
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