Professional Development (PD) Corner

DLD is committed to empowering teachers of students with Learning Disabilities. On this page you will find professional development resources including short informational videos from our PD in 3 series, as well as previously held webinars.
PD in 3 Reimagined!
Kirk Award Winner Dr. John Hoover – Examining IEPs of English Learners with Learning Disabilities for Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness. You can read the award winning article HERE!

Watch Kirk Award Winner Dr. Rajiv Satsangi discuss Video Modeling for Students with Math LD. You can access his award winning articles HERE!

PD in 3! – Working Memory
Listen to Britta Bresina discuss Working Memory.
PD in 3! The Language of Math: Implications for ELLs
Listen to Brittany Lee Martin discuss The Language of Math.
DLD/CCBD Webinar Series
Evidence Based Practices and Special Education
Dr. Bryan Cook, University of Virginia
Literacy Interventions for Children with Behavioral Challenges
Dr. Bill Therrien, University of Virginia
Resource Materials: Intervention Website; Training Materials and Passages