President’s Message 2024

Dr. Brooke Moore, Fort Hays State University
President’s Message
Special education teachers play a pivotal role in the academic, emotional, and behavioral development of students with learning disabilities, showcasing an unwavering commitment to their success. Using evidence-based strategies that are not only effective but also tailored to the unique needs of each student is a vital pathway to ensuring special education teachers create inclusive and nurturing environments where students with learning disabilities can thrive. It is truly inspiring to witness the impact of these exceptional individuals who go above and beyond to empower their students. Their dedication exemplifies the transformative power of education and reinforces the belief that every student, regardless of challenges, can achieve success with the right guidance and encouragement.
Having been an educator for over 20 years, starting as a K-8 special education teacher in public schools in Texas and Utah and now working as an Associate Professor at Fort Hays State University in Kansas training educators to work with students with learning disabilities, I know the value of exceptional training and resources. The Division for Learning Disabilities has been there for me – all these years. And DLD is here for you, too. We are leading the way in ensuring you have access to inform your effective practices for individuals with learning disabilities. Follow our practice alerts, tutorials, and journal articles online (, on Facebook and Twitter (@TeachingLD[BM1] ).
As we come together as a special education community this spring for the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Convention & Expo in beautiful San Antonio, Texas (March 13-16, 2024), be sure to join us for the DLD Showcase, featuring Dr. Doug Fuchs and Dr. Lynn Fuchs who will present on the History and Future of CBM: Monitoring Progress to Improve Instruction. Their presentation will be followed by a panel discussion including Dr. Pamela Seethaler, Dr. Jessica Toste, and Dr. Adrea Truckenmiller. You will also want to attend the DLD Business meeting where we will announce the winners of several prestigious DLD awards – the Samuel A. Kirk Award, the Marva Collins Diversity Award, the Outstanding Educator of the Year award, the John Wills Lloyd Doctoral Research award, and the Jeannette E. Fleischner Career Leadership award.
DLD is especially proud to announce that Dr. John Wills Lloyd will be honored with a Legacy Proclamation at CEC this year, specifically recognizing his commitment and dedication for the success and inclusion of children and youth with learning disabilities, working tirelessly for more than 40 years on their behalf. Dr. Lloyd founded Special Education Today and co-edited our very own website, both of which provide educators with essential resources for meeting the needs of individuals with learning disabilities. Dr. Lloyd was a founding member of the Division for Learning Disabilities, serving the special education community by chairing many of our committees, completing his term through the presidential line, and working as the Executive Director. As noted in the Legacy Proclamation, Dr. John Wills Lloyd should most certainly be recognized for his “lifelong commitment to exceptional service, scholarship, teaching, and mentorship.” Thank you, Dr. Lloyd.
In closing, I want to focus your attention on the dedicated work of the Executive Board of DLD to fulfill our commitment to meeting the goals of our DLD Strategic Plan. To establish DLD as the leading organization for resources in supporting individuals with LD, the board will initiate comprehensive initiatives to bridge research to practice, collaborate with experts, and actively seek partnerships to ensure the dissemination of cutting-edge information and effective practices. In tandem, a strategic focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility will be embedded in all facets of DLD’s work, fostering an environment that values and reflects the rich tapestry of perspectives within the learning disabilities community. Recognizing the importance of member engagement, the board will implement targeted communication strategies, including regular updates, surveys, and webinars, to enhance connectivity and responsiveness. Additionally, to ensure the longevity of DLD, the Executive Board will prioritize the maintenance and enhancement of internal systems, including governance structures and operational procedures, guaranteeing the organization’s continued strength and impact in the years to come.
Let’s have a wonderful year together, DLD!
Brooke Moore, PhD
President, Division for Learning Disabilities, Council for Exceptional Children
Fort Hays State University