COVID-19: Resources for Special Educators
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Growing concerns over the spread of COVID-19 have initiated several local and state governments across the country to temporarily close schools, businesses and ban large gatherings in their cities. The Division for Learning Disabilities is working on building a list of resources for teachers and teacher educators that will help answer some questions as well provide access to materials for online learning. Please check this page regularly for our growing list of resources.
We also suggest that you check out our Professional Development Corner for more PD resources.
Federal & State Guidance
Rights of Individuals with Disabilities – Assuring Students’ Access to Education during Covid-19: Q & A from Tollner Law Offices:
Implications for students under IDEA- Q&A Issued by OSEP.
Considerations for Special Education Administrators (provided by the Council of Administrators of Special Education-CASE)
Example State Guidance:
Department of Education Webinar Fact Sheet: Protecting Students’ Civil Rights During COVID-19:
Disaster guidance regarding timelines in special education. See the following statement from:
In the event that a school is closed for an extended period of time due to a disaster, would an IEP Team be required to meet? Would an LEA berequired to conduct an evaluation of a student with a disability?
IEP Teams are not required to meet in person while schools are closed. IEP Teams may continue to work with parents and students with disabilities during such school closures and offer advice, as needed. If an evaluation of a student with a disability requires a face-to-face meeting or observation, the evaluation would need to be delayed until school reopens. Evaluations and reevaluations that do not require face-to-face assessments or observations may take place while schools are closed, if the parent consents. These same principles apply to similar activities conducted by appropriate personnel for a student with a disability who has a plan developed under Section 504 or who is being evaluated under Section 504.
Reading Resources
Virtual Professional Development: Really Great Reading Webinars:
Hickman County Schools Phonics Lessons:
Friends On The Block Literacy Curriculum: A friendly literacy curriculum for beginning and struggling readers, including those with disabilities such as dyslexia, learning disabilities, and cognitive disabilities:
Math Resources
Pirate Math Equation Quest:
Project STIAR – Supporting Teaching of Algebra: Individual Readiness –
Mathematics briefs from the Evidence Based Intervention Network: