Information & Resources for Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities

Basics of LD: Is Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD or ADHD) the same as a learning disability?


Is Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD or ADHD) the same as a learning disability?

Additional Info:

Attention Deficit Disorder and learning disabilities are not synonyms.

Students with ADD or ADHD have a hard time paying attention and concentrating (inattention), sitting still (hyperactivity), and controlling impulsive behavior (impulsivity). Though some students with learning disabilities exhibit impulsive or inattentive behaviors, these behaviors are often not exhibited to the same extent as by students with ADD. Some students who have learning disabilities also have ADD, but many students who have learning disabilities do not. In the US, students whose primary problems are with attention may receive special education services without being formally identified as having LD.

For complete information on children served under the IDEA visit the Office of Special Education Programs at the U.S. Dept. of Education.

Listing of LD characteristics was adapted from the National Center for Learning Disabilities.